Custom Guns

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Revision as of 13:00, 29 April 2023 by SmallDvrkOne (talk | contribs)
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If you are simply adding a premade custom weapon then most will come with a guide on how to, this guide is not for you.

Before making a custom gun you must be setup, in order to set up you will need to follow the steps below.

Setup to making a Custom Gun

In order to make a custom gun you will need to do 4 things.

1) Importing assets

2) Edit the physics assets

3) Edit the skeleton asset

4) Create the animation BP

You're expected to know some Unreal Engine basics.

Importing Assets

When importing assets it should be known that you will usually have 5 main assets to create a custom gun: gun mesh, magazine mesh (full and empty), shell casing (full and empty).

They can be imported like any other meshes. The gun mesh is a skeletal mesh while the rest are normal static meshes.

Example for the AK47

The bone names for the gun mesh can be anything, but it's good practice to follow the format above.

Editing the physics asset

Open up your physics mesh and enable primitives and all bones in the top right arrow.
