PC Mod Managers

From Pavlov VR Wiki
Revision as of 09:51, 29 April 2024 by Junt (talk | contribs) (more details, generating auth tokens, added more downloaders)
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If you want to manage and update your content for Pavlov on PC you can use these external clients to manage, download, and update your content.

Generating a Mod.io OAuth Token

To acquire a Mod.io OAuth Token, navigate to https://mod.io/me/access and give the token a name. Ensure the token has Read+Write access if you want to get the most out of the mod downloader's functionality.


Press the + button to generate the new token string. As the warning suggests, you will only be able to view this string once so save it if you know the mod downloader installation may change. The token will become inactive after one year so your new token will not last forever. Tokens can be freely generated if you need a new one, delete any token you are not using when possible.

Pasted image 20240423200855.png

Each mod downloader has a method for taking the Mod.io auth token. Follow the setup instructions on the README page of the downloader for further instruction.

Mod Managers

DownloadPavlovMapsFromModIO by RainOrigami

.Net6 based command line download tool. This tool will download and update your subscribed Mod.io Pavlov VR mods and also existing mods you have already downloaded.

Link: https://github.com/RainOrigami/DownloadPavlovMapsFromModIo

PyPavlovUpdater by TotalJTM



Python based GUI tool to update out-of-date mods, install mods not installed, subscribe to mods you have used but have not subscribed to, and view the mods you have installed (with a filter) without needing to open Mod.io in a browser. To use this program, download the executable from the 'Releases' page, put it in a folder somewhere on your computer (not the Pavlov mod directory) and run the executable. If running for the first time, input your API key in the 'Options' menu. Then you can use the 'Download' menu to update your mod directory or subscribe to mods. Use the 'Subscribed Mods' menu to view your subscribed mods. Find new mods in the 'Full Mods' menu.

Link: https://github.com/TotalJTM/PyPavlovUpdater

Pavlov map manager by Rumrobot


Javascript based GUI mod/map downloader.

Link: https://github.com/Rumrobot/pavlov-map-manager/

Pavlov mod manager by Aptimex

Python based command line download tool.

Link: https://github.com/Aptimex/pavlov-mod-manager