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TODO: Rename the page to "Dedicated server" because THIS IS NOT A GUIDE!


There are no Windows binaries

Server requirements

OS: Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64, Ubuntu 19/04 amd64, Ubuntu 20.04, and Rocky Linux 8 are confirmed working)

Memory: 2GB RAM + 1GB RAM per each additional server with 10 players. More RAM is recommended for larger maps, higher player counts, or complex game modes.

CPU: A ~2.5Ghz CPU will comfortably support a 10 player server. A ~4Ghz CPU will comfortably support 24 players.

Note: These are not hard limits for requirements, just suggestions for the best performance, based on experiences with many server providers on different grades of hardware.

Pavlov servers are functionally single threaded.

Software dependencies

  • gdb (TODO: do you actually need gdb to run a server? wtf?)
  • curl (TODO: do you actually need curl to run a server? does pavlov download stuff using curl?)
  • lib32gcc1(-s1)
  • libc++-dev


The app ID for Pavlov VR dedicated servers is 622970.

Instructions on how to use SteamCMD are available in the Valve Developer Community Wiki.

To host Shack Live (Quest) use -beta shack, to host Shack RC (Quest) use -beta shack_beta.

Update 29 of the PCVR version of Pavlov VR dedicated servers require you to completely break your system:

sudo rm /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ 
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

TODO: By all that is good and fair, modifying system files like this for one piece of software is unacceptable. This can be done in a different, less intrusive way.


Moderators, Blacklist, Whitelist

The following three files allow you to specify moderators, banned players, and whitelist players.

They are required to be able to use AddMod, Ban, Banlist, ModeratorList, RemoveMod and Unban RCON commands but are otherwise optional.


TODO: Describe the file contents, give examples.


This file contains the majority of server configuration keys.

It is automatically created when first starting a server, it can also be created manually.



Game.ini keys
Key Allowed values Default value Description
bEnabled TrueFalse True Enables or disables registering with the master server to show or hide the server from the server list

TODO: confirm that this is true, and why is this even a thing, you can't direct connect to servers anyways...

ServerName Any ASCII text value up to 35 characters DedicatedServer Sets the name with which the server will be listed as

TODO: confirm exact maximum character limit and which characters are allowed (utf8? unicode?)

MaxPlayers Integer

Maximum 10 for Shack, 24 for PC.

10 Sets the amount of available player slots
ApiKey Obsolete, leave empty.
bSecured TrueFalse True Enables or disables Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC)
bCustomServer TrueFalse True Enables or disables "some new modding tools". Save and HTTP functions.

Required to write to blacklist.txt for bans. TODO: specify exactly what those new modding tools are.

bCompetitive TrueFalse False Enables or disables competitive mode for SND
bVerboseLogging TrueFalse False Enables or disables verbose logging.

Verbose logging mostly consists of detailed statistics. This will significantly increase logging.

bWhitelist TrueFalse False Enables or disables usage of the whitelist, allowing only users in whitelist.txt to join
RefreshListTime Integer, seconds 10 Sets the interval at which the server reads changes from mods.txt, blacklist.txt and whitelist.txt
LimitedAmmoType Integer, Type ID 1 Sets the limited ammo type, see Limited Ammo Types
TimeLimit Integer, minutes 60 Sets the time limit for each map
TickRate Integer, ticks per second

Recommended between 50 and 120

90 Sets the rate at which the server processes and updates game state information and network events.

Changes weapon de-spawn time and breaks some game modes. Recommended to leave at default value. TODO: what game modes? breaks how? needs clarification.

Password Integer, 1 to 4 digit pin 0000 Sets the server PIN that is required to be entered before being able to join the server.

Setting the pin to 0 or 0000 does not remove the pin but sets it to 0. Commenting out or leaving the value empty will remove the pin.

BalanceTableURL Text formatted as user/repository/branch vankruptgames/BalancingTable/main Sets the balance table Git URL to be used by the server.

See Balancing Table for instructions.

AFKTimeLimit Integer, seconds 60 Sets the maximum amount of time a player can be idle before being automatically kicked.

Setting this to 0 will disable AFK kicking. TODO: Pretty sure this is incorrect, while testing I've set it to 0 and got kicked nonetheless. Only being moderator prevents afk kicking. Requires further testing.

bInitialized TrueFalse False TODO: What does this do?
DepotURL TODO: What does this do?
bBroadcast TrueFalse True Probably enables or disables broadcasting to pavtv?

TODO: What does this do?

TODO: Verify all default values, right now I'm just guessing

TODO: Sort alphabetically

For maps running a Custom gamemode (CodZ, BR, Duel, etc.) it doesn't matter which gamemode you choose, as the map will automatically override it with the custom mode.

Limited Ammo Types

AmmoType Name Description
0 Unlimited Players have unlimited ammo, carry no ammo boxes and do not display an ammo count on the wrist.
1 Limited Generic Players carry ammo boxes with a limited amount of ammo.

One box for each weapon class (Pistol, Submachine gun, Rifles/MGs, Shotgun, Sniper).

Mags and ammo boxes can be put on the chest of the player to consolidate the ammo.

An ammo count is displayed on the wrist.

2 Limited Specific Players carry ammo boxes with a limited amount of ammo.

One box for each weapon.

Mags and ammo boxes can be put on the chest of the player to consolidate the ammo.

An ammo count is displayed on the wrist.

3 Custom Allows for full control over ammo by the map.
4 Limited Special All weapons except "special" weapons are unlimited, more clarification is needed.
5 Boxless Like limited generic but without boxes? Clarification is needed.

Map rotation

The map rotation is defined in the Game.ini.

Upon server start, the first map in the rotation will be started.

When a map has ended, the next map in the rotation will be started.

When the end of the rotation has been reached, it will start from the beginning again. maps will be downloaded and updated automatically, if required, when they are rotated to.

Each entry requires a separate line of the following format:

MapRotation=(MapId="Name or ID", GameMode="Game Mode")

Name or ID: See Default maps or find the Map ID on and append it to "UGC" (Example: has Resource ID 2804322, the MapID to use would be UGC2804322)

Game Mode: See Game Modes.

Game modes
GameMode Name
DM Death match
KOTH King of the hill
GUN Gun game
OITC One in the chamber
SND Search and destroy
TANKTDM WW2 Team Death Match
TDM Team Death Match
TTT Trouble in Terrorist Town
WW2GUN WW2 gun game
ZWV Zombie wave survival
HIDE The Hidden
INFECTION Hidden infection
PH Prop hunt

TODO: move this to game modes page.


# This is a comment
ServerName=Your server

MapRotation=(MapId="datacenter", GameMode="SND")
MapRotation=(MapId="UGC3094680", GameMode="SND")
MapRotation=(MapId="UGC2996823", GameMode="SND")
MapRotation=(MapId="sand", GameMode="SND")
MapRotation=(MapId="UGC2841131", GameMode="SND")
MapRotation=(MapId="UGC2829349", GameMode="SND")
MapRotation=(MapId="container", GameMode="SND")
MapRotation=(MapId="UGC2844898", GameMode="SND")
MapRotation=(MapId="UGC2804502", GameMode="SND")


The RCON password and port are configured in RconSettings.txt. If the file does not exist or if the values in it are empty, no RCON will be provided.



Key Allowed values Default value Description
Password Text changeme Sets the password used to authenticate with RCON
Port Integer, 0-65535 9100 Sets the port at which RCON will listen


Password=very secure password


Startup parameters

Parameter Description
Sets the server port to listen to.

Secondary port is port + 400. For example: Base port 7777, secondary port 8177.

Enables competitive mode.

This is the same as enabling competitive move in the Game.ini.

TODO: Ask dev for complete list of arguments or, much easier and faster, decompile the binary and find them.

Server executable

With the server files, a startup script is shipped. It adds global execution privileges to the server executable, and adds an argument Pavlov to the startup parameters.

The server executable is located in Pavlov/Binaries/Linux/PavlovServer-Linux-Shipping and can be executed directly. It already has global execution privileges by default.

Either of these can be used to start the server, the script will forward all startup parameters to the server executable.


Shack servers and PCVR servers have a few differences which will be described in this section.

TODO: Since there are also 2 shack versions, documenting all this is a huge chore, especially for someone who doesn't touch this sh..izzle.

Game.ini keys

The following keys do not exist for Shack servers.

  • TODO

Custom maps

Shack (both versions??) do not support and require manual upload of any custom map.

Also players download the custom maps directly from the server?

TODO: Needs figuring out!

To use custom maps, the maps folder first needs to be created manually.


Custom map folders will need to be placed into this folder.

For example:

|- SVR_Arena
 |- metadata.json
 |- other mod files
|- SRV_Industrial
 |- metadata.json
 |- ...

Downloading Shack maps

There are multiple places where you can download shack maps. Some maps are provided by the map creator.

Server executable exists for shack? does it do the same useless additional stuff?

Is the name of the executable the same? For both shack versions?

TODO: Needs figuring out!

Shack Maps (Quest)

If you try to use the steps above to add maps for Shack, youll run into issues very quickly. This is because Shack has no affiliation to Steam, and therefore cannot use Steam Workshop maps like above. In the future, these steps will apply to PC servers as well, allowing a server to hold the map itself, instead of offloading to Steam.

To get started, first create the directory to hold the maps

mkdir -p /home/steam/pavlovserver/Pavlov/Saved/maps

You can use any number of methods to move the map files onto the server, but ill go over the two simplest, starting with a GUI approach

Download and install CyberDuck onto your "home" PC (Whatever PC you use for access to the server, but not the server itsself):

Next, download and unzip your map of choice from ,, or look in #shack-map-showcase channel in the discord server. I'm going to use Cheeto's WW2 Items test ( ) for this example, you do what you like

In the top left corner, open a connection, set the connection type to SFTP, and fill in the rest of the information. User will be root, password is whatever you set the root pw as (toor in Ubuntu by default)

In the directory dropdown (itll say /root) go back to /

Follow the directories until we arrive back at our "maps" folder


Drag and drop the unzipped map folder into the main window, in this case itll be SVR_Cheeto_Items

Hit Allow

Youll now see a folder named SVR_Cheeto_Items, and within it should be nothing but 3 files. If there is another folder in it, move this folder to the maps directory, otherwise the server wont work. The 3 files (2 .PAK one .JSON) should be in home/steam/pavlovserver/Pavlov/Saved/maps/SVR_Cheeto_Items, no more, no less.

Pavlov Shack servers load maps at pavlovserver start. YOU MUST RESTART THE GAME SERVER TO USE THE MAPS.

To play the map, you can either use RCON switch map command, or to add the map to your servers automatic map rotation list, add the map's folder name to your Game.ini. This replaces the MapID section, so for our example it would be

MapRotation=(MapId="SVR_Cheeto_Items", GameMode="TDM")

And thats all! Disconnect CyberDuck from your server before playing, otherwise youll have difficulty joining.